we are free to go anywhere we want
Hello and welcome to Heartplace, Larissa's fanlisting collective. This collective's been kicking around in one form or another since 2007, ranging from just a handful of fanlistings to a whole lot more, depending on my level of interest in the hobby.
If you'd like to learn more about the collective, check out the about page; otherwise, head over to owned to see what's hosted here or to joined to see what I'm a fan of! Enjoy your stay. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them in the guestbook.
Statistical Stuff
- Owned: 74
- Joined: 710, 0.11 joined/day
- Fans: 11359 (+1 pending approval; 1.68 joined/day)
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All subjects are © their respective owners; no infringement intended.
Heartplace is © Larissa, 2007-2025, and may not be duplicated.