True story: I wasn't even going to get FFXVI on release.
This is a pretty wild fact if you consider that Final Fantasy is my biggest and most enduring fandom. The thing is, I played FFXV the day it came out, and, uh. Let's just say I regret that particular decision. Apparently it's better these days, but I don't buy DLC for games I don't like, so.
In any case, I was extremely wary of the newest Final Fantasy title. What eventually sold me on it were two things: I play Final Fantasy XIV, so I was familiar with the production team for FFXVI and much more inclined to trust them. Secondly, the repeated assurances in pre-release interviews that FFXVI was a complete, start-to-finish story went a long way, for someone who didn't like the previous title.
All that said, I really didn't expect to like Clive so much! It helps that he's the protagonist, of course, but he also fits into a couple of tropes I really enjoy. I am a huge fan of sibling relationships in media, so Clive's arc appealed to me very quickly. FFXVI also doesn't shy away from showing his negative traits even in the early hours, which makes any protagonist more immediately interesting to me. At the same time, his love for those close to him never wanes, and really makes you want to root for him.
Also, frankly, as I'm now in my thirties myself, I have a lot more appreciation for a mature, older protagonist. It helps that we see so much of Clive's life and see what shaped him, as well. He's just a very solid character!
And it doesn't hurt that he's very easy on the eyes...
Site title is one of Clive's abilities as Ifrit; I was kind of blanking on a title so I might change it later if I think of something I like more. Background is a texture by subtlepatterns. All other textures used are from Unsplash.
I'm happy to affiliate with any site or fanlisting related to Final Fantasy. Contact me if you're interested.
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Clive & Final Fantasy XVI are © Square-Enix.
No infringement intended.
ignition is © Larissa, 2023-2024.