As much as I love my current fanlistings, there are always some you dream of owning. If you happen to own one of the fanlistings listed here, keep up the good work — I'm just a fan who loves the subject too and mean no offense. (Of course, if you ever decide to put it up for adoption, I'd love to know!)
Hover to see what the subject is; arranged alphabetically. If I happen to run a fansite for the subject, it's linked.
Granted Wishes
I've been incredibly lucky in all of my adoptions and approvals, so I consider a lot of my fanlistings granted wishes. The ones listed here were wishlisters or particularly special approvals or adoptions. My thanks to those who granted me ownership of these fanlistings! ♥
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All subjects are © their respective owners; no infringement intended.
Heartplace is © Larissa, 2007-2024, and may not be duplicated.